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1. Idaho Adult Protective Services, Foundational Training
2. Module 1: Overview of Adult Protective Services
3. NAPSA Core Competencies
4. Compiled, edited, and scripted by:
5. Sections in this Module
6. Learning Objectives
7. History and Overview of Adult Protective Services
8. History of Adult Protective Services
9. APS and Congress
10. Adult Protective Services Practice
11. The Adult Protective Services Model
12. Practice Principles
13. APS Clients’ Service Goals
14. APS Clients are Vulnerable Adults
15. Perpetrators of Abuse
16. Causes or Motives for Maltreatment
17. Vulnerability and Caregiving
18. A Closer Look at Disability
19. Factors Affecting Disability and Dependence
20. Vulnerability
21. Caregivers
22. Reliance on Caregivers May Heighten Risk
23. Types of Maltreatment
24. Maltreatment Definitions
25. Physical Maltreatment
26. Psychological Maltreatment
27. Financial Exploitation
28. Abandonment
29. Isolation
30. Neglect
31. Self-neglect
32. Indicators of Maltreatment
33. Types and Incidence of Maltreatment
34. The APS Practice
35. Guiding Values of APS Practice
36. Determining if Basic Needs are Being Met
37. Capacity Assessments
38. Factors for Case Planning
39. Before you Leave
Overview of APS
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