Providing Reliable Resources
When we need services to care for ourselves or a loved one, it can be challenging to navigate the numerous programs, organizations and options available to us.
There are Information and Assistance (I&A) services available to answer questions and provide guidance. They can help us with the following:
- What resources and supports are available within our communities?
- Am I eligible?
- How much is the cost?
- Is there financial assistance?
- How soon can services begin?
We can use the area map below to find the nearest Area Agency on Aging. Also to the right, “Quick Tips” and “Resources” are available to better assist us with finding reliable information and supports.
A brief assessment is required to receive the following services: Home-Delivered Meals, Homemaker, Respite, and Chore. Have the following information ready when speaking with an Information and Assistance Specialist:
- Current contact information for yourself and/or caregivers
- Functional abilities
- If applicable: Power of Attorney information
- Demographic information (including income & expenses)
- Information for an emergency point of contact
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