Caregivers Are the Lifeline

Caregivers provide safety and comfort. We can be family, friends, volunteers or paid caregivers.  We are a family caregiver if we provide one or more of the following:

  • Make phone calls to check in
  • Arrange for and/or drive to doctors appointments
  • Help manage medications and/or provide medical care
  • Help with household chores or making meals
  • Help make healthcare decisions

For assistance, Idaho’s six Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) serve caregivers across the state.  The AAAs provide services, help us plan for the future, guide us to services in our local communities, and assist with self-care.

To help with any questions, below, we can find links to services and supports that are specific to Caregivers, and to the right are Quick Tips that are updated periodically.

Quick Tips

The Idaho Caregiver Alliance mission is to advance the well-being of caregivers and improve access to quality supports and resources.
See for more information.

The website includes a variety of videos from which caregivers and families can learn.  Caregiving Training Videos by  topics include: Parkinson’s Disease: Can We Improve Function; Powers of Attorney: Caregiver Superpowers; Employed and Caring for a Loved One; Chronic Wound Care Case Studies; Hoarding and Elders, and many more.


Building system to support the knowledge & skills necessary to address dementia

Providing critical periods of rest for caregivers

Offering assistance to those who assist others