Use the provided videos and tip sheets to increase your skill in meeting special dietary needs.
Click HERE to discover Caregiver Support programs and resources
Click HERE to discover Nutritional support programs and services
Click HERE to discover programs and services to Stay at Home
When you finish the Module Materials, Toolbox, and Resources, please click HERE to complete a 3 question evaluation. Thank you.
Video: Nutrition Basics , 5:14
Video: Reducing Sodium , 2:20
Video: Modifying Food Textures , 2:57
Video: Managing Low Appetite , 2:29
Video: G-Tube Feeding , 7:39
Video: Feeding a Person with Dementia , 7:12
Tip Sheet: Nutrition Basics
Tip Sheet: Reducing Sodium
Tip Sheet: Modifying Textures
Tip Sheet: G-Tube Feeding
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STAR-VA Respect, Comfort, Redirect