March for Meals Celebrating National Senior Nutrition Programs The 2024 March for Meals is coming, and we are hoping to maintain the distinction of having the largest march in the country! I hope that you can be a part of this year’s event on Saturday, March 23, at Kleiner Park in Meridian. Sign-in is from …
Donna was a caregiver for 11 years for her husband who had Alzheimer's disease. She attended the Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes, and joined a dementia support group. Her book is heartbreaking, yet loving, and offers caregivers her wisdom and insight from her years of experience. There will be an opportunity for book purchase and signing following her talk. Library copies will also be available for check out.
Month group meetings in Spanish for grandparents and relatives raising kinship children. Details here
IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian Organization staff providing support for caregivers of individuals living with dementia and other chronic conditions that involve intensive family caregiving
Register here
-Develop a support system
-Exchange practical information on
challenges and possible solutions
-Talk through issues and ways of
-Share feelings, needs and concerns
-Learn about community resources
This class and its materials are specific for you, the parent or caregiver of a child with any type of special need/challenge (i.e., mental health, developmental disability, medical, physical, substance use disorder, special education). Your challenges are unique. Self-care can be easy to neglect and difficult to establish. Powerful Tools Workshops are designed for YOU, the caregiver, to balance and prioritize self-care!