A presentation for EVERYONE during the No Place Like Home conference...
Friday, October 9, 2020
12:15 PM – 1:00 PM MDT
By Phone or Online via ZOOM
Registerfor the conference, including the seminar now!
Erin identifies differences between isolation and loneliness, the signs associated with loneliness and depression, and how simple interventions can alleviate them before significant physical and emotional health issues develop
Why Does This Matter?
3 in 4 Americans want to age in place (AARP). This approach continues to grow in popularity, though few have a clear understanding of what aging in place means.
The No Place Like Home conference aims to educate families on what aging in place can mean to them. It’s not the same for everyone! Knowing how to plan to make aging in place a successful reality usually requires some assistance. Growing old in your own homes seems like it should be simple, but goes more smoothly and is a positive experience if needs are identified and a plan is put in place to ensure all needs are met.
The speakers, panels, and other activities of the conference will show you how to plan for the health care, personal care, finances, and legal needs of someone aging in place.
Who Is It For?
This free conference is for everyone. Those attending will benefit from understanding the ins and outs of aging in place, whether for themselves, their families or their clients.
- Retirees & not-quite retirees
- Adult children & caregivers
- Professionals involved in planning and caring for aging adults
- Insurance providers, financial planners & attorneys
- Social workers
- Home care providers, & assisted living staff
No Place Like Home: A Virtual Conference on Aging in Place
Wed – Fri, Oct 7 – 9, 2020
Join by Phone or Online via ZOOM
Hosted by Idaho Estate Planning
- View the conference schedule
- Register! Do it now! Sessions available various times through Friday.
- Join using instructions sent via e-mail TUE, Oct 6 .
- Learn more on ICOA’s Isolation-Induced Depression webpage
- PreventSocialIsolationfromMakingLonelinessWorse.pdf
- National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI)
Phone: (208) 801-1609
Talk Openly And Honestly About Your Struggles With No Shame.