Home Maintenance & Repair Assistance
Maintaining our home as we age, may require assistance. In many communities, family, friends, neighbors or community organizations can lend a hand, but those resources may not always be available. When it becomes no longer possible the Chore program can lend that necessary hand.
Chore services are provided to assist seniors who have difficulty in maintaining their homes and may include:
- Installation of grab bars and wheelchair ramps
- Seasonal yard work
- Heavy cleaning
- Minor household maintenance
We can use the area map below to find the nearest provider or referral agency. Also to the right, “Quick Tips” and “Resources” are available to better assist us with finding reliable information and supports.
General home safety tasks:
- Set water heater thermostat no higher than 120°F to prevent scalding
- Have grab bars installed in the shower and near the toilet
- Put rubber mats in the bathtub to prevent slipping
- If you are having a hard time getting in and out of your tub, or on and off the toilet, ask your provider to help you get a special tub chair or bench or raised toilet seat
- Never mix bleach, ammonia, or other cleaning liquids together when you are cleaning. When mixed, cleaning liquids can create deadly gases
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