Good Nutrition is the Foundation of Health

For those times when we find ourselves unable to leave our homes or prepare a meal, we may qualify for the Home Delivered Meal program. A home delivered meal (HDM) is one of the most important ways to maintain our nutrition until we are able to take care of our own daily activities.

Senior Centers prepare the meals and their volunteers deliver them to our homes to help:

  • Prevent hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition
  • Improve nutritional status
  • Reduce isolation
  • Continue living independently
  • Provide daily contact and welfare checks

The meals consists of hot, cold, frozen, dried, canned, fresh, or supplemental foods. Nutrition education, counseling and other nutrition services are also provided. To qualify for meals, we must be 60 years or older, homebound, frail, and unable to prepare a meal at home.

Each AAA might have additional criteria in place as well as a waitlist.

We can use the area map below to find the nearest provider to us. To the right, “Quick Tips” and “Resources” are available to better assist us with finding reliable information and supports.

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