Providing Reliable Resources

When we need services to care for ourselves or a loved one, it can be challenging to navigate the numerous programs, organizations and options available to us.

There are Information and Assistance (I&A) services available to answer questions and provide guidance. They can help us with the following:

  • What resources and supports are available within our communities?
  • Am I eligible?
  • How much is the cost?
  • Is there financial assistance?
  • How soon can services begin…

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A brief assessment is required to receive the following services: Home-Delivered Meals, Homemaker, Respite, and Chore. Have the following information ready when speaking with an Information and Assistance Specialist:

  • Current contact information for yourself and/or caregivers
  • Functional abilities
  • If applicable: Power of Attorney information
  • Demographic information (including income & expenses)
  • Information for an emergency point of contact

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