Documents & Resources


  • Program:

FALLS – My Medication Record

Medications can increase the risk of falling all by themselves. When taking more than one medication, there is also the risk that the interaction may increase risk. Use this medication record form to accurately record all of the medications you take so you can share them with your healthcare team and pharmacist.

FALLS – My Mobility Plan (CDC(

Remaining active which retains flexibility, muscle strength and balance is a critical element of reducing the risk of falls. This useful tool allows you to create a personalized plan so you can remain active and reduce your risk.

FALLS – Osteoarthritis and Fall Risk

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis that usually occurs in or after middle-age, can cause  pain stiffness and swelling. These symptoms can make the likelihood of falling greater. This document discusses the impact of osteoarthritis on fall risk.

FALLS – Osteoporosis and Fractures

Osteoporosis or what used to be called “brittle bones” not only can increase risk of falling but also dramatically increase the likelihhod of fractures from a fall. This document discusses how osteoporosis and falls impact each other.

FALLS – Prevention Fact Sheet (2018)

This document summarizes the falls statistics for 2018

FALLS – Related to Postural hypotension (Spanish/Portugese)

Postural hypotension or a rapid drop in blood pressure when standing up can be a significant risk for falling. This document discusses the condition and its impact on fall risk. (Spanish/Portuguese)


This report from the state of Idaho details accidental fall injuries and deaths in the state as of 2017

FALLS- STEADI Learning Materials For healthcare Providers

This document lists The learning materials healthcare providers will need to present the STEADI program by the CDC with links to download

FALLS- STEADI Toolkit Contents List

The contents of the CDC’s STEADI toolkit are listed with links to download materials

FALLS-Free Infographic (NCOA)

This Infographic from NCOA depicts important fall statistics in a visual format