Assistance Managing In-home Care Services
At times when we are unable to manage our own in-home care, Case Managers are available to assist us in developing and implementing a supportive service plan.
Case Managers use a comprehensive evaluation that:
- Assesses our physical, psychological and social needs
- Considers available family members and friends who are able to assist us before looking at other available paid options.
- Is used to build a supportive services plan
Case Managers continue to oversee our progress until we are able to manage our own in-home care…
Case Management Frequently Asked Questions
A Supportive Service Plan includes:
- Problems identified during the assessment
- Exploration of opportunities for family assistance
- Identify overall goals to be achieved
- Reference to all unpaid services and contributions
- References to any paid services arranged, including fees, specific providers, schedules of service, and frequency or anticipated dates of delivery
- Documentation of all who are involved
- Schedules for monitoring and reassessment
- Documentation of unmet needs and service gaps
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